IT Outsourcing
IT Outsourcing Services in Philadelphia
Outsource Your CIO or Information Technology Department.
More and more companies are questioning the need to keep full-time CIO and IT staff. In the past few years, the cost of hiring these technical personnel has risen by 30 or 40% in many parts of the country. Add that to the cost of providing benefits to these employees, it makes sound business sense to seriously consider the benefits of Information Technology outsourcing services.
Technology is changing more rapidly than ever before. For companies whose primary focus is not on the technology industry, and those companies who do not have access to experts in the field, this makes it difficult to keep up.
To tackle these issues, outsource the service that brings much more support to your company and technical personnel.
- Centralize your IT efforts
- Leverage more IT resources at any given time without hiring full-time employees
- Stay on top of the latest technological advances
- Benefit from faster and higher quality service
- Reduce your CIO costs 30-50%
BRI utilizes our technical personnel efficiently, enabling us to assign our staff to more than one company without losing their effectiveness, which in turn reduces the cost to you. BRI operates under a proven process, utilizing our own custom-built software for the management of the IT department and maintenance of projects and equipment.
We Deliver Solution with the Goal of
A Trusting Relationships
Appropriate for your specific business, making it easy for you to have quality IT services.
25 Years Of Experience With
IT Solution Services
// Professional Team
Our Dedicated Team
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Angel Zara
Migration Agent
Angel Zara
Migration AgentShene Watsan
Visa Director
Shene Watsan
Visa DirectorFahmida Haque
Fahmida Haque
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John AbrahamWeb Developer

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John AbrahamWeb Developer

John DomeApp Developer

Ellen EryeApp Developer

John AbrahamWeb Developer

John DomeApp Developer

Ellen EryeApp Developer

John AbrahamWeb Developer

John DomeApp Developer

Ellen EryeApp Developer