eTag365 system is SRM (Sales Relation Manager) App that maximize your prospecting. This prospecting tool opens up more opportunities and deals for you. We guarantee it! eTag365 gives you the ability to add prospect contact information in seconds contactless in person or not at anytime and upload the information securely to your contact database in cloud. This results in you being able to enter more collected contacts information. Have no more piles of business cards and gives you more opportunities to make deals.
One of the most important features of eTag365 System is it’s Email DRIP system which allows you create email follow up messages and from the mobile app when you are entering contact information set an option to start Email Drip which will send out email messages over long period of time. This will result in having more time to prospect because you not need to do follow up calls, unless you want too. It allows you to be kept in the mind of the prospect over a long period of time giving you more chances to make a deal. Sale’s is all about timing. eTag365 is a standalone system or can work in conjunction with a CRM system.
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Fahmida Haque
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